Institute for Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation

Publikationen des TMDT

Vietz, H., Maschler, B., Tercan, H., Bitter, C., Meisen, T., & Weyrich, M. (2022). "Industrielles Transfer-Lernen: Von der Wissenschaft in die Praxis" , atp magazin , 63 (9), 86—93.
Maschler, B., Vietz, H., Tercan, H., Bitter, C., Meisen, T., & Weyrich, M. (2022). "Insights and Example Use Cases on Industrial Transfer Learning" , Procedia CIRP , 107 , 511—516.
Paulus, A., Burgdorf, A., Puleikis, L., Langer, T., Pomp, A., & Meisen, T. (2021). "PLASMA: Platform for Auxiliary Semantic Modeling Approaches" in Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems , SciTePress 403—412.

ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8

Bitter, C., Tercan, H., Meisen, T., Bodnar, T., & Meisen, P. (2021). "When to Message: Investigating User Response Prediction with Machine Learning for Advertisement Emails" in 2021 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Industries (AI4I) , IEEE 25—29.

ISBN: 978-1-6654-3410-2

Langer, T., & Meisen, T. (2021). "System Design to Utilize Domain Expertise for Visual Exploratory Data Analysis" , Information , 12 (4), 140.
Kummert, A., Meisen, T., Krause, M., Michalik, D., & Kohl, P. (2021). "Synergiepotenziale von Virtual City Twins im Bereich automatisiertes Fahren – Beschleunigung der technischen Entwicklung und Überwindung von Akzeptanzbarrieren" in Making Connected Mobility Work , Proff, Heike, Eds. Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden , 113—133.

ISBN: 978-3-658-32265-6

Kummert, A., Meisen, T., Krause, M., Michalik, D., & Kohl, P. (2021). "Synergiepotenziale von Virtual City Twins im Bereich automatisiertes Fahren -- Beschleunigung der technischen Entwicklung und Überwindung von Akzeptanzbarrieren" in Making Connected Mobility Work , Proff, Heike, Eds. Wiesbaden : {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden} , 113--133.
Bulow, F., Mentz, J., & Meisen, T. (2021). "State of health forecasting of Lithium-ion batteries applicable in real-world operational conditions" , Journal of Energy Storage , 44 , 103439.
Engel, A., Loerwald, P., & Horn, G. (2021). "Smart Mobility Solutions by Citizien Participation - From Creating Conditions of Possibility to Co-production" in ITS World Congress - Book of Abstracts , 1865—1876.
Paulus, A., Burgdorf, A., Pomp, A., & Meisen, T. (2021). "Recent Advances and Future Challenges of Semantic Modeling" in 2021 IEEE 15th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) , IEEE 70—75.

ISBN: 978-1-7281-8899-7

Böhme, O., & Meisen, T. (2021). "Predicting the Progress of Vehicle Development Projects: An Approach for the Identification of Input Features" in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence , SciTePress 522—530.

ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8

Langer, T., & Meisen, T. (2021). "Visual Analytics for Industrial Sensor Data Analysis" in Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems , SciTePress 584—593.

ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8

Samsonov, V., Kemmerling, M., Paegert, M., Lütticke, D., Sauermann, F., Gützlaff, A., Schuh, G., & Meisen, T. (2021). "Manufacturing Control in Job Shop Environments with Reinforcement Learning" in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence , SciTePress 589—597.

ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8

Ekeris, T., Meyes, R., & Meisen, T. (2021). "Discovering Heuristics And Metaheuristics For Job Shop Scheduling From Scratch Via Deep Reinforcement Learning" in Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Production Systems and Logistics (CPSL~2021) .
Alves-Gomes, M., Tercan, H., Bodnar, T., Meisen, T., & Meisen, P. (2021). "A Filter is Better Than None: Improving Deep Learning-Based Product Recommendation Models by Using a User Preference Filter" in 2021 IEEE 23rd Int. Conf. on High Performance Computing and Communications; 7th Int. Conf. on Data Science and Systems; 19th Int. Conf. on Smart City; 7th Int. Conf. on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud and Big Data Systems and Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys) . 1278—1285.