Institute for Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation

Head of the TMDT

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Meisen

Professor of Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation

Office: FZ.01.16
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1039
Email: meisen[at]



Nadia El Kasmi


Office: FZ.01.10
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1036
Email: elkasmi[at]


Sandra Rossow


Office: FZ.01.10
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1043
Email: rossow[at]


Scientific Researchers

Ali Bahja

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Büro: FZ.00.18
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1718
Email: bahja[at]

Lara Baumanns

Research Assistant

Office: FZ.00.22
Phone: +49 202 439 1712
Email: baumanns[at]

Andre Bröcker

Scientific Researcher

Büro: FZ.00.22
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1810
Email: abroecker[at]

Marvin Brune

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.06
Phone:   +49 202 439 1714
Email: brune[at]

Andreas Burgdorf

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.20
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1047
Email: burgdorf[at]


Adwait Chandorkar

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.21
Phone: +49 202 439 1717
Email: chandorkar[at]


Sebastian Chmielewski

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.00.18 Phone: +49 202 439 1047 Email: chmielewski[at]

Manuel Cymbaly

Research Assistant

Office: FZ.01.07.
Phone: +49 202 439 1902
Email: cymbaly[at]

Jakob Deich

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.00.22
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1712
Email: deich[at]

Merve Demir

Doctoral Student

Office: FZ.01.21
Email: mdemir[at]


Katharina Erwig

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.19
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1164
Email: erwig[at]


Christian Dominic Fehling

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.08
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1730
Email: fehling[at]


Monika Gatzke

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.14
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1055
Email: gatzke[at]


Saskia Gehrt

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.07
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1903
Email: gehrt[at]


Miguel Alves Gomes

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.20
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1733
Email: alvesgomes[at]


Yannik Hahn

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.05
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1733
Email: yhahn[at]


Florian Hölken

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.00.18
Tel.: +49 202 439 1856
Email: hoelken[at]


Gesa Horn

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.21
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1717
Email: horn[at]


Henning Horn

Scientific Researcher

Head of the Secure and Sovereign Connectivity research area

Office: FZ.01.21
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1035
Email: hhorn[at]


Nils Hütten

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.05
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1723
Email: nhuetten[at]


Dr. rer. oec. Michael Krause

Head of the Research Field "Human-Centered Transformation"

Office: FZ.01.18
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1163
Email: krause[at]


Dr. Kathrin Krosch

Head of the Research Field "User-Centered Acceptance"

Office: FZ.01.13
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1038
Email: krosch[at]


Antonin Königsfeld

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.05
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1153
Email: koenigsfeld[at]

Robert Maack

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.06
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1726
Email: robert.maack[at]


Nils Mack


Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.08
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1729
Email: nmack[at]


Nils Malzahn

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.19
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1164
Email: malzahn[at]


Dr.-Ing. Richard Meyes

Head of the Research Field "Interpretable Learning Models"

Office: FZ.01.05
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1046
Email: meyes[at]


Alexander Paulus


Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.20
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1734
Email: paulus[at]


Jannik Peters


Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.06
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1713
Email: jpeters[at]


Dr.-Ing. André Pomp


Head of the Research Field "Semantic Systems Engineering"

Office: FZ.00.18
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1735
Email: pomp[at]


Tim Raulf

Research Assistant

Office: FZ.01.15
Phone: +49 202 439 1721
Email: raulf[at]

Julien Rombourg

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Büro: FZ.01.07
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1902
Email: rombourg[at]

Marion Rose


Head of the Research Field "Virtual and Augmented Reality"

Office: FZ.01.08
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1027
Email: rose[at]


Markus Schroll

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.19
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1164
Email: schroll[at]

Thomas Schürmann

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.15
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1052
Email: tschuermann[at]

Dr.-Ing. Hasan Tercan


Head of the Research Field "Industrial Deep Learning"

Office: FZ.01.05
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1153
Email: tercan[at]


Eva Wallrath

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.19
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1026
Email: wallrath[at]


Tong Wang

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.19
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1164
Email: twang[at]



Constantin Waubert de Puiseau


Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.06
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1724
Email: waubert[at]


Mark Wönkhaus

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.20
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1733
Email: woenkhaus[at]


Mohammed Zoghian

Scientific Researcher

Office: FZ.01.20
Tel.:   +49 202 439 1855
E-Mail: zoghian[at]


Student Assistants

Justine Amler

Study: M.A. Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft (AVL)

Working field: Support in the Competence Center 5G.NRW project

E-Mail: justine.amler-hk[at]

Karlo Andricevic

Study: B.Sc. Elektrotechnik

Working field: Teaching Support, Development in Applied Machine Learning

E-Mail: karlo.andricevic[at]

Leonie Engel

Studies: B.A. Teaching German, Maths, Geography

Activity at TMDT: Support for project work on the topic of information security awareness

E-mail: leonie.engel[at]


Şerife Eroğlu

Studies: M.Sc Industrial Engineering and Electrical Engineering

Activity at TMDT: Support in the project "Competence Centre 5G.NRW"

E-Mail: serife.eroglu-hk[at] 

Alireza Khavari

Study: B.Sc. Computer Science

Activity at TMDT: Support in setting up and realising immersive teaching and learning media as well as documentation work

E-mail: a.khavari-hk[at]

Merlin Montag

Study: M.Sc. Industrial Engineering, Information Technology and Digitalisation

Working field: Support in the project "Aithena" - Development of XAI methods for autonomous driving and web demonstrators

E-mail: merlin.montag[at]

Lynne Makuate

Study: Master Information Technology

Working field: Support in the project "Top.KI"

E-mail: lynne.makuatenono[at]

Nadja Klein

Studies: B.Sc Industrial Engineering and Electrical Engineering

Activity at TMDT: Support in the project "Competence Centre 5G.NRW"

E-Mail: nadja.klein-hk[at]


Hannah Rosa Plötz

Study: M.Sc. Computer Science

Activity at TMDT: Support in the setup and realisation of immersive teaching and learning media

E-mail: hannah.ploetz[at]

Basel Sabha

Study: B.Sc. Computer Science

Working field: Web development and IT-support

E-Mail: basel.sabha-hk[at]


Kenichiro Simon

Study: B.Sc. Computer Science

Working field: Support in the field of Machine Learning & Data Science

E-mail: kenichiro.simon[at]

Timo Trompeter

Study: B.Sc. Mathematics and Physics

Activity at TMDT: Support in the "Competence Centre 5G.NRW" project

E-Mail: timo.trompeter-hk[at]

Elias Theis

Study: M.Sc. Computer Science

Working field: Support in the "Flex4Green" project and in the area of reinforcement learning for production planning

Email: elias.theis[at]

Jan Voets

Study: M.Sc. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen, Informationstechnik und Digitalisierung

Working field: Web Development and support in the area of Time Series Classification

E-Mail: jan.voets[at]

Daniel Miller

Study: B.Sc. Computer Science

Working field: Support in the "TRAIBER.NRW" project

Florian Weise

Study: B.Sc. Electrical Engineering

Working field: Support in the "TRAIBER.NRW" project


Raphael Scholle


Office: FZ.01.22
Phone: +49 202 439 1720
Email: scholle[at]

Sven Stopka


Office: FZ.01.22
Phone: +49 202 439 1719
Email: stopka[at]