Institute for Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation

The "Artificial Intelligence and Citizens' Councils (KIB)" project is dedicated to investigating digital solutions - in particular artificial intelligence (AI) - and their significance for public participation in political processes. Citizens are becoming increasingly actively involved in issues that directly affect their everyday lives, be it in the areas of energy, transport or environmental policy. The use of digital tools should make it easier to obtain information and form opinions and support deliberative knowledge production.

Objective The objectives of the project include investigating the possible uses of AI in public participation and creating an ideal knowledge base for informed discussions and consensus-building in citizens' councils. To this end, existing experiences with digital technology and AI tools are to be analyzed and basic possible uses of AI identified. At the same time, the focus is on analyzing the risks in order to ensure a balanced understanding of the potential challenges. The project will be carried out in several steps. First, comprehensive research and the creation of a knowledge database on the possible uses of AI tools for citizens' councils will be carried out. In parallel, a database with the results and protocols of citizens' assemblies will be built to provide a basis for the analysis. A post-ex analysis will be carried out to investigate whether and to what extent the results of these citizens' assemblies have been incorporated into political decision-making processes. A central component of the project is the implementation of an AI expert system, which will be used to investigate optimal deployment scenarios and risks. This expert system will be developed on the basis of the collected data and findings and will enable a well-founded potential analysis of the risks and opportunities associated with the use of AI in citizens' councils.