Institute for Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation

DigiTal Zwilling

Automated extension of the digital twin of the city of Wuppertal with visual data using semantic technologies

The digital twin serves as a basis for the digital recording of data collected in the municipal environment and is to be used in the simulation and planning of developments in the Wuppertal area in the future. As part of the project, remote sensing data from satellite images and aerial surveys, which are recorded and classified by EFTAS, will be used to supplement the urban database. Sensor data from cameras and LiDAR sensors, which are collected and subsequently analysed using a measurement box developed by Fraunhofer IPM and installed on municipal vehicles (e.g. buses, taxis, refuse collection vehicles), should enable changes in the existing situation to be taken into account in a timely manner. The city of Wuppertal, as the driver of the digital twin, acts as project manager and contributes to the project not only with expert knowledge but also with inventory data from the city cadastre and other departments. Data processing is to be realised as part of the digital twin using a data space enhanced by semantic technologies. The TMDT is researching the possibilities of using semantic models for data annotation and processing. In addition to the development of the actual data space, the TMDT's research focuses on the machine interpretation of data, which is realised in the data space in the form of support systems, for example for automated data conversion and a semantics-enriched search. The overall process of data collection and analysis by the project partners and provision via the data room will be evaluated in the project using the case study "the urban tree".