Dr.-Ing. Richard Meyes, M.Sc.

Scientific Researcher
Head of the Research Field "Interpretable Learning Models"
Area of Research:
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Industrial Appliations
- Predictive Analysis of Time Series Data in Industrial Sensor Systems
- Structured Representations in Artificial Neural Networks
Dr.-Ing. Richard Meyes has been a research associate at the Institute for Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation at the University of Wuppertal since December 2018. His research focuses on the development and investigation of artificial intelligence methods, with a focus on artificial neural networks, in various application fields, including automotive and manufacturing.
- 2018
- Lillian, P., Meyes, R., & Meisen, T. (2018). "Ablation of a Robot's Brain: Neural Networks Under a Knife" , arXiv arXiv:1812.05687 .
- Lillian, P., Meyes, R., & Meisen, T. (2018). "Ablation of a Robot’s Brain: Neural Networks Under a Knife" , arXiv arXiv:1812.05687 .
- Meyes, R., Scheiderer, C., & Meisen, T. (2018). "Continuous Motion Planning for Industrial Robots based on Direct Sensory Input" , Procedia CIRP , 72 , 291—296.
- Meyes, R., Tercan, H., Thiele, T., Krämer, A., Heinisch, J., Liebenberg, M., Hirt, G., Hopmann, C., Lakemeyer, G., Meisen, T., & Jeschke, S. (2018). "Interdisciplinary Data Driven Production Process Analysis for the Internet of Production" , Procedia Manufacturing , 26 , 1065—1076.
- Meyes, R., Scheiderer, C., Thiele, T., & Meisen, T. (2018). "Selbstlernende adaptive Robotersteuerung: Kontinuierliche Bewegungsplanung für Industrieroboter auf Basis von Sensordaten" , Fabriksoftware , 2018 (2), 42—44.