Christian Dominic Fehling, M.Sc.

Scientific Researcher
Area of Research:
- Immersive Media
- Virtual Reality
- Education
Christian Dominic Fehling has been a research associate at the Institute for Systems Research in Information, Communication and Media Technology at the University of Wuppertal since 2013. In his research, Mr. Fehling deals with the exploration, design and evaluation of immersive media in educational processes. Central research topics are the development of authoring tools for immersive media and the influence of interaction and collaboration in virtual space on learning processes.
Mr. Fehling studied print and media technology at the University of Wuppertal. His areas of specialization were digital media, cross-media technologies and the connection of real and digital content.
- 2016
- Fehling, C. D. (2016). "Social Augmented Learning: Lehren und Lernen in einer erweiterten Realität" , Medienproduktion .
- 2015
- Fehling, C. D., & Hagenhofer, T. (2015). "Die Erweiterung von Lernräumen durch Augmented Reality am Beispiel des Social Augmented Learning" in DeLFI 2015 , Pongartz, Hans and Keil, Reinhard, Eds.
- Müller, A., Fehling, C. D., & Urban, B. (2015). "Social Augmented Learning" , Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology , 17 (3),
- Fehling, C. D. (2015). "Social Augmented Learning: Die Erweiterung von Lernräumen durch Augmented Reality: 57. Ergänzungslieferung, Beitrag 5.22" , Handbuch E-Learning .
- Fehling, C. D. (2015). "Zum Einsatz von Augmented Reality in der Berufsbildung: 57. Ergänzungslieferung, Beitrag 5.22.1" , Handbuch E-Learning .