Institute for Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation

Since 2021, the headquarters of the TMDT is located at the Technologiezentrum Wuppertal

The Institute for Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation (TMDT) at the University of Wuppertal (BUW) addresses in its research on the one hand digital technologies as drivers of digital transformation, and on the other hand the interplay with economic, organizational and societal aspects. A key feature of the research is its interdisciplinary interpretation and the networking of knowledge areas of computer science (data science, artificial intelligence, semantic technologies), economics and social sciences (acceptance research, innovation research).

The TMDT stands for:

  • scientific and application-oriented research in the field of digital transformation
  • technology transfer of results from research to industry
  • education of students to become the digital pioneers of tomorrow

Complementing the technological view, the TMDT researches the effects of digital change on business, organization, science and society. The focus here is on interdisciplinary research into the technical, economic and structural aspects of innovation processes that are influenced by the development of information and communication technologies and media technologies.